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Term Definition
Scout Bomb

To use the scout action on a player more than 5 times to lessen their spies.

Seal of the Damned

Bought in the marketplace with nobility or dropped rarely from epic battles. Used to open the epic battle "Haunting: The Escape. Also referred to as "sod".

Self Knockout

Tactic in EE war to deplete both troops and spies to knockout yourself before the opposing clan knocks you out.


A punishment given by moderators or developers for breaking the Terms of Use. Mostly found to be done due to public chat channels such as World Chat, Walls and Forums.


To sit is to stay on a player and repeatedly attack or spy awaiting them to come out of pin.


Acronym for "Self Knockout".


Can be bought in the marketplace with nobility, gives the use of communication in World Chat


Type of soldiers used in fighting in game to earn gold with more abilities than troops.


Unseen advisary known to wreak havoc across the kingdoms, Myth or Legend no one knows.

Status Banner

Area of your profile that scrolls, that you can let people know information.


To hire all of one players allies and hit the player hired from till all gold has been taken.


To have all your allies hired away and you are hit continuously until all of your gold has been taken.

The support team at A Thinking Ape.
System War

War that uses in game war system approved by two clans to fight each other.